Foxglove Beardtongue – Native Plant of the Day 03/25/2025
Photo from 03/21/2015. Location: Walker County, Ga.
More photos / info at the Penstemon digitalis detail page.
Also NPOD 03/25/2017, 03/25/2018, 03/25/2019, 03/25/2020, 03/25/2021, 03/25/2022, 03/25/2023, 03/25/2024
There is a forest tree here on Long Island,NY that has almost the same flower but it is colored a pale lilac on the outside and pale yellow to white on the inside. These trees grow wild in the forest where I hike and along the parkways. Are they related to this foxglove??
Perhaps Penstemon hirsutus