#NPOD: Small Camas #Nativeplants

Small Camas – Native Plant of the Day 11/20/2024
Photo from 6/13/2010.  Location: Custer County, ID.
More photos / info at the Camassia quamash detail page.

Small Camas, Quamash - Camassia quamash

Small Camas, Quamash – Camassia quamash

Also NPOD 11/20/2011, 11/20/2012, 11/20/2013, 11/20/2014, 11/20/2015, 11/20/2016, 11/20/2017, 11/20/2018, 11/20/2019, 11/20/2020, 11/20/2021, 11/20/2022, 11/20/2023

4 thoughts on “#NPOD: Small Camas #Nativeplants

    1. Gerry Post author

      Mia – This is also found in Utah. I had an incorrect link / scientific name in the post originally, but it has now been corrected; that page includes a distribution map. I’ve seen it in Idaho in large areas in wet fields that looked blue like a pond. These were at relatively high elevations – near Stanley, and also between Cascade and McCall.

  1. Ella Lane

    Camassia Quamash – I live in New York State and have a large area of these plants in full bloom.
    And now I have a name for them.

  2. Leslie Halverson

    I just discovered a patch of these pretty little flowers in a park in Beaverton, Oregon. I knew the Native American’s ate the bulbs, but this is the first time I have seen then.


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