#NPOD: Atamasco Lily #Nativeplants

Atamasco Lily – Native Plant of the Day 04/09/2024
Photo from 04/05/2018. Location:  Bradford County, FL
More photos / info at the  Atamasco Lily detail page.

Atamasco Lily, Rain Lily, Easter-lily, Naked Lady - Zephyranthes atamasco

Atamasco Lily – Zephyranthes atamasco

Also NPOD 12/07/2018, 04/09/2019, 04/09/2020, 04/09/2021, 04/09/2022, 04/09/2023

2 thoughts on “#NPOD: Atamasco Lily #Nativeplants

  1. joelle C Ferguson

    Does the Rain Lily die back in Summer? We live in a forested area on the east coast and have potted one of these after a forage into a boggy wooded area. It has bloomed for me already, but seems to slow down in warmer months. I keep it in a warm (not hot) area, with moist (not wet) soil and dappled Sun. Thanks!

    1. Gerry Post author

      I’m not a gardener, but it’s not unusual for wild plants to have a relatively short bloom period annually.


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