The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain Status Update 3/07/2015 – It’s Picking Up, Just a Little…

Today (3/07/15) was one of the rare days so far this year – mostly clear skies and warmer weather – into the 60’s. That made for a great day to get down to The Pocket for a status update. There’s not a lot of change concerning which species are blooming (with an exception) – but those that have been blooming are picking up the pace a lot. The one new species I found blooming – Carolina Spring Beauty; a single plant along the trail to the falls.

Carolina Spring Beauty, Wide-leaved Spring Beauty - Claytonia caroliniana

Carolina Spring Beauty – Claytonia caroliniana

Since we’ve had more snow, ice, rain, and cold since the last report (just a week ago), it wasn’t a huge surprise that there wasn’t a lot more blooming, but those that are blooming are really getting into it now –

  • Hepatica (Hepatica nobilis) – There were only a few blooming last week, now they are plentiful, especially up along the Pocket Loop Trail.
Sharp-lobed Hepatica, Liverleaf - Hepatica nobilis

Sharp-lobed Hepatica – Hepatica nobilis

  • Cutleaf Toothwort (Cardamine concatenata) – I expected more, but there were quite a few plants blooming.
Cutleaf Toothwort - Cardamine concatenata

Cutleaf Toothwort – Cardamine concatenata

  • Harbinger-of-Spring (Erigenia bulbosa) – These are at peak right now, if these diminutive flowers can be called “peaking.”
Harbinger-of-Spring, Pepper and Salt - Erigenia bulbosa

Harbinger-of-Spring – Erigenia bulbosa blooming over the Geranium leaves.

There is a lot of foliage showing up – Virginia Bluebell, Wood Poppy, Trailing Trillium,  Purple Phacelia, Columbine, Robin’s Plantain, Woodland Stonecrop, and Geranium to name a few, promising a lot of excitement in the weeks to come.

And the falls were great with all the rain we got this week.

Pocket Creek Falls

Pocket Creek Falls – Lots of recent rain…

I ran into a very nice hiking group from Chattanooga – The Cumberlands Hiking Club. Their group made the hike up to the falls, including the traverse of the several trees that are down across the trail.

Cumberlands Hike Club

Cumberlands Hiking Club


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