Sweet White Violet – Native Plant of the Day 03/01/2025
Photo from 04/30/2010. Location: Towns County, GA.
More photos / info at the Viola blanda detail page.
Tag Archives: Violets
#NPOD: Halberdleaf Yellow Violet #Nativeplants
Halberdleaf Yellow Violet – Native Plant of the Day 02/28/2025
Photo from 03/16/2016. Location: North Chickamauga Pocket Wilderness, Hamilton County, TN
More photos / info at the Viola hastata detail page.
#NPOD Threepart Violet #Nativeplants
Threepart Violet – Native Plant of the Day 03/06/2024
Photo from 4/1/2012. Location: Pigeon Mountain, Walker County, Ga.
More photos / info at the Viola tripartita detail page.
#NPOD: Canada Violet #Nativeplants
Canada Violet – Native Plant of the Day 03/04/2024
Photo from 04/04/2009. Location: The Pocket, Walker County, GA.
More photos / info at the Viola canadensis detail page.
#NPOD: Long-Spurred Violet #Nativeplants
Long-Spurred Violet – Native Plant of the Day 03/03/2024
Photo from 03/26/2009. Location: The Pocket, Walker County, GA.
More photos / info at the Viola rostrata detail page.
#NPOD: Wood Violet #Nativeplants
Wood Violet – Native Plant of the Day 03/02/2024
Photo from 5/2/2010. Location: Big Frog Mountain, Polk County, TN.
More photos / info at the Viola palmata detail page.
#NPOD: Bird’s Foot Violet #Nativeplants
Native Plant of the Day 03/01/2024
Photo from Apr 28, 2007. Location: Grundy County, TN.
Bird’s Foot Violet – for more photos / info go to the Viola pedata detail page.
The Pocket Status Update 03/07/2019 – 14 Species Blooming
This has been a VERY wet late winter, and cold the last several days. Today (Thursday, 03/07/2019) had a confluence of sunshine, warm temps (low 50’s), and the threat of more rain starting tomorrow, so I made a run down to The Pocket. Unfortunately a significant part of the Shirley Miller Trail, including the boardwalk extension and the trail from the end of the boardwalk to the falls, is closed. Many of the spring wildflowers (Dutchmen’s Breeches, Doll’s Eyes, Bishop’s Cap come to mind immediately) are found along that section, so I won’t know when they are blooming. That being said, I counted 14 species blooming in the area north of the parking lot, the boardwalk loop, and along the Pocket Loop Trail (the “horse trail” that leads to the camping area above the falls, not to be confused with the boardwalk loop on the Shirley Miller Trail.) I’m not sure if this latter area (Pocket Loop Trail) is officially closed or not. If not, I half expect it to happen, since the trail crosses the part area of the hillside which is slipping, causing trees to fall onto the boardwalk below.
Lanceleaf Violet – Viola lanceolata – Added to USWildflowers’ Database
Lanceleaf Violet, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (06/16/2017.) Scientific name is Viola lanceolata. Photo below was taken in Coffee County, TN on June 1, 2016. Go to the Lanceleaf Violet detail page for more information and photos.
The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain Status Update 3/16/2015 – Game On!!
Today (3/16) was beautiful – clear skies and about 70 degrees by noon. The weather had been pretty warm for several days, with a lot of rain showers over those several days, so I was hopeful that things would have picked up a bit from my last report on 3/7. And had it! Of the 53 species on my current version of my wildflower checklist for The Pocket, we (my wife, a lovely homeschool group we met up with, and I) found 13 blooming right now.
For the rest of the story…