Wood Vetch – Native Plant of the Day 03/12/2025
Photo from March 18, 2012. Location: Pigeon Mountain – East, Walker County GA.
More info & photos at the Vicia caroliniana detail page.
Tag Archives: Vetch
The Pocket Wildflower Status Update 03/22/2019 – 33 Species Blooming (plus a bonus)
It had only been 5 days since we were last at The Pocket, but I ran across some published information about the particular subspecies of Trout Lily at that location a couple of days ago, and I wanted photographs of the identifying characteristics. And it was another beautiful day today, so I headed down there in the early afternoon. I counted 33 species blooming, naturally mostly the same as five days earlier. I also made a run around to the east side of Pigeon Mountain.
Wood Vetch – Vicia caroliniana – Added to USWildflowers’ Database
Wood Vetch, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (03/20/2012.) Scientific name is Vicia caroliniana. Photo below was taken along Rocky Lane on Pigeon Mountain, Walker County, GA, on March 18, 2012. Go to the Wood Vetch detail page for more photos and information.