Butterweed – Native Plant of the Day 02/23/2025
Photo from 04/02/2012 Location: Walker County, GA.
More photos / info at the Packera glabella detail page.
Tag Archives: Ragwort
#NPOD: Small’s Ragwort #Nativeplants
Small’s Ragwort – Native Plant of the Day 12/04/2024
Photo from 5/11/2017. Location: Couchville Cedar Glade, Davidson County, TN
More info / photos at the Small’s Ragwort detail page.
Small’s Ragwort – Packera anonyma – Added to USWildflowers’ Database
Small’s Ragwort, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (08/14/2017.) Scientific name is Packera anonyma. Photo below was taken in the Couchville Cedar Glade, Davidson County, TN on May 11, 2017. Go to the Small’s Ragwort detail page for more information and photos.
The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain Status Update 4/3/2014
This is a great time for a visit to The Pocket. (See end of this post for my guess on 4/10 status.) On Thursday, 4/3/2014, my wife and I walked up the Pocket Loop Trail, and then went back down to the parking area to meet up with a homeschool group who had invited me to join them for their visit to help identify the flowers they saw. We walked the Shirley Miller boardwalk and extension trail up to the falls with this great group of moms and their children. Several of the “signature species” are still blooming – Virginia Bluebell, Wood (Celandine) Poppy, Dutchman’s Breeches, and all three of the Pocket’s three Trillium species are blooming right now. 35 of the 55 species on my current version of the checklist are blooming right now.
We also ran into Clayton Webster and some more of the Over the Hill Hiking Group that I met last week. We had a nice visit exchanging information on what to look for blooming – they were coming from where we were going, and vice versa…
For the rest of the story…
I thought they only wanted blood – Wildflowers and Mosquitos
I was photographing this Butterweed (Packera glabella) for detail of the individual blossom (swatting at mosquitos that DID want my blood) when I noticed this mosquito enjoying the nectar of a nearby blossom. I was intrigued; I didn’t know mosquitos sipped nectar. Read the rest of the entry for a video.