UPDATE 07/12/2017: Effective the first of July, there have been changes to the fee structure:
- GORP has been replaced with a “Lands Pass”. This is $30 per year for an individual resident of Georgia, $60 for a non-resident.
- There is no longer a small group pass. Each eligible party must have their own pass.
- While those under the age of 16 do not need a pass, folks over 65 are no longer free. They must have a pass/license.
- If you’re over 65 and a resident of Georgia, it is more cost-effective to get a Senior Sportsman’s License than a Lands Pass, since there is no senior discount for a Lands Pass. Get this: A 1-yr Sr. Sportsman’s License costs $7. Or if you were born on or before June 30, 1952 and are a Georgia resident you can get a Lifetime Sportsman’s License for free for a lifetime, and it will let you fish, and if you take a hunting safety course ($28) hunt.
Original post from 1/30/2012:
I’d been looking for an opportunity to head down to The Pocket to photograph the the leaves of Aplectrum hyemale, which are withered or entirely gone by bloom time in early May. Sunday was a beautiful day, so I headed out after our family lunch for the 20-mile drive. While I was a couple of months late for fresh leaves, it was still a trip of discovery – I discovered that the Crockford-Pigeon Mountain Wildlife Management Area is now a fee area.

Crockford-Pigeon Mountain Wildlife Management Area is now a fee area.
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