Solitary Pussytoes – Native Plant of the Day 01/12/2025
Photo from 03/21/2016. Location: Walker County, GA.
More photos / info at the Antennaria solitaria detail page.
Tag Archives: Pussytoes
Solitary Pussytoes – Antennaria solitaria – Added to USWildflowers’ Database
Solitary Pussytoes, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (07/01/2017.) Scientific name is Antennaria solitaria. Photo below was taken along the Chestnut Top Trail of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, in Blount County, TN on March 21, 2016. Go to the Solitary Pussytoes detail page for more information and photos.
#NPOD: Plantain-leaf Pussytoes #Nativeplants
Native Plant of the Day 04/05/2014
Photo from April 4, 2010. Location: Zahnd’s Natural Area, Walker County, GA.
Plantain-leaf Pussytoes – for more photos / info go to the Antennaria plantaginifolia detail page.
The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain Status Update 3/27/2014
Yesterday (3/27) was one of the rare days this spring – mostly clear skies and warmer weather – into the 60’s. As a plus a couple of my grandkids wanted to join me, so a great time at The Pocket was guaranteed. Several of the “signature species” at The Pocket – Virginia Bluebell, Wood (Celandine) Poppy, Dutchman’s Breeches (or, as my grandson called them, “Upside Down Pants from Holland), Trout Lily are blooming right now. I’m developing a checklist to use so I won’t have to photograph or remember what all is blooming, and of the 51 species on my current version of the checklist, 25 are blooming right now.
For the rest of the story…
Wildflowers at The Pocket 03/11/2012
I wasn’t planning on going down to The Pocket this weekend, but my wife had other plans for Sunday, so she suggested that I do something to take advantage of the beautiful day, so I headed down there shortly after getting home from church. In addition to walking the boardwalk and the trail up to the falls, I did a little back country walking above the bluff north of the horse trail. Wildflowers are abundant; here is my report, and a couple of photos taken off the beaten path in The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain.
The Phacelia are blooming. There is a Phacelia in the field to the right as you walk down to the boardwalk; they are blooming along the boardwalk and all the way up to the falls. The photo above was taken up on the top of the north bluff.
Plantain-leaf Pussytoes – Antennaria plantaginifolia – Added to USWildflowers Database
Plantain-leaf Pussytoes, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (09/15/2010.) Scientific name is Antennaria plantaginifolia. Photo below was taken at The Pocket on Pigeon Mountain in Walker County, GA on April 1, 2010.
04/06/2010 Wildflower Status Update at The Pocket on Pigeon Mountain
We made a quick trip down to The Pocket on Tuesday evening. We made a short 100-yard walk up the horse trail and took a spin around the boardwalk, so I’m unable to update the status of flowers found along the trail to the falls, but here’s what I’ve got.