Tag Archives: Plantain

Virginia Plantain – Plantago virginica – Added to USWildflowers’ Database

Virginia Plantain, a species native to much the United States, but naturalized in other parts and naturalized in parts of Canada, has been added to the USWildflowers database (04/17/2013.) Scientific name is Plantago virginica.  It  is also known by the common names Dwarf Plantain, Southern Plantain, Hoary Plantain, and Paleseed Indianwheat.  Photo below was taken in Walker County, GA on Apr 29, 2012.   Go to the Virginia Plantain detail page for more photos and information.

Virginia Plantain, Dwarf Plantain, Southern Plantain, Hoary Plantain, Paleseed Indianwheat - Plantago virginica

Virginia Plantain, Dwarf Plantain, Southern Plantain, Hoary Plantain, Paleseed Indianwheat – Plantago virginica

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06/06/2009 The Pocket Early Summer Check-in

In the May 5 post, I mentioned that the wild hydrangea blossoms were forming their buds.  Since I only had photos of prior year’s blossoms – which I think in themselves are quite beautiful – I wanted to make sure I got a chance to photograph them while in bloom.  I managed to squeeze out some time (thanks for giving up work on the ceiling, Cindy!) on Saturday, June 6, and was rewarded with finding the hydrangea at peak of their blossom.

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