Pineapple Weed – Native Plant of the Day 12/31/2024
Matricaria discoidea is native to several northwestern states, but is introduced in most of the rest of its current range.
Photo from May 28, 2012. Location: Hell’s Canyon, Adams County, ID.
More photos / info at the Matricaria discoidea detail page.
Tag Archives: Mayweed
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Pineapple Weed – Matricaria discoidea – Added to USWildflowers’ Database
Pineapple Weed, a species native to the Pacific Northwest, but naturalized in much of the rest of the United States, has been added to the USWildflowers database (03/27/2013.) Scientific name is Matricaria discoidea. Photo below was taken in the Hell’s Canyon Park in Adams County, ID on May 28, 2013. Go to the Pineapple Weed detail page for more photos and information.
USWildflowers Daily Plant 12/12/2012
Photo from 6/18/2005. Location: Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Yes, the blossom looks like a Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), which is how I originally identified it back in 2005. However, it is Mayweed, an introduced and possibly invasive species. For more information go to the Anthemis cotula detail page.