Glade Larkspur – Native Plant of the Day 02/26/2025
Photo from 05/11/2017. Location: Couchville Cedar Glade Davidson County, TN.
More photos / info at the Glade Larkspur detail page.
Tag Archives: Larkspur
#NPOD: Dwarf Larkspur #Nativeplants
Dwarf Larkspur – Native Plant of the Day 04/25/2019
Photo from 04/25/2010. Location: Sitton’s Gulch, Dade County, GA.
More photos / info at the Delphinium tricorne detail page.
Carolina Larkspur – Delphinium carolinianum – Added to USWildflowers Database
Carolina Larkspur, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (03/15/2018.) Scientific name is Delphinium carolinianum. Photo below was taken in Couchville Cedar Glade, Davidson County, TN on May 11, 2017. This plant is subspecies calciphilum, which also goes by the common name Glade Larkspur. Go to the Carolina Larkspur detail page for more information and photos.
#Waterfalls and #Wildflowers – Collins Gulf Trail of Savage Gulch State Natural Area
A discussion on Facebook a few days ago reminded me that the Collins Gulf area of Savage Gulch State Natural Area in Grundy County, TN was on my list of areas I wanted to check out for wildflowers. Originally I had targeted it because of reports of Fringed Phacelia (Phacelia fimbriata), but when I photographed that species in the Smokies, Collins Gulf got bumped down a few places on my list. But I wanted to get into a wilderness with my grandson while he was on spring break this week, so I bumped it back up. Checking the weather, Tuesday, April 4, was forecast as the best day, and this time the weatherman was right – rain on Monday gave us good water for the waterfalls, and a beautiful, sunny day showed up Tuesday morning – as forecast. Grandson Joseph and I headed out about 9 AM for the 50-mile drive to the Collins Gulf West Trailhead of Savage Gulch, for Waterfalls and Wildflowers (31 species; see the list at the end of the post.)
Wildflower Report: Sitton’s Gulch, Cloudland Canyon State Park
The Georgia Botanical Society made their trip to Cloudland Canyon State Park on Saturday, April 11, and I saw their photo report on Facebook. That, and a report from Richard Ware’s Sunday trip to the same location, inspired me to take advantage of a break in this week’s rain on Tuesday to get back over to Sitton’s Gulch to see the Dwarf Larkspur, Southern Red Trillium, and other wildflowers. It was a great choice, with at least 34 species of wildflower observed.
The rest of the story…