Chandelier Plant (aka Mother of Millions), a non-native, invasive species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (01/21/2019.) Scientific name is Bryophyllum delagoense. Photo below was taken in Shamrock Park, Venice, Sarasota County, FL on Jan 20, 2015. Go to the Chandelier Plant detail page for more information and photos.
Tag Archives: Florida
Atamasco Lily – Zephyranthes atamasco – Added to USWildflowers’ Database
Atamasco Lily, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (07/30/2018.) Scientific name is Zephyranthes atamasco. Photo below was taken in Bradford County, FL on April 5, 2018. Go to the Atamasco Lily detail page for more information and photos.
Orange Milkwort – Polygala lutea – Added to USWildflowers’ Database
Orange Milkwort, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (04/16/2018.) Scientific name is Polygala lutea. Photo below was taken in Bradford County, FL on Apr 05, 2018. Go to the Orange Milkwort detail page for more information and photos.
Moonflower – Ipomoea alba – Added to USWildflowers’ Database
Moonflower, a native species in some of its U.S. distribution, has been added to the USWildflowers database (01/10/2018.) Scientific name is Ipomoea alba. Photo below was taken at the Venice Rookery in Sarasota County, FL on Dec 12, 2017. Go to the Moonflower detail page for more information and photos.
Largeflower Mexican Clover – Richardia grandiflora – Added to USWildflowers’ Database
Largeflower Mexican Clover, an introduced species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (03/21/2016.) Scientific name is Richardia grandiflora. Photo below was taken in Venice, Florida on Jan 20, 2015. Go to the Largeflower Mexican Clover detail page for more information.
Cormorant vs Catfish – Venice Rookery #birding #video
While my wife and I were in Venice, Florida for a family visit, we took the opportunity for a couple of trips down the road to the Venice Rookery. There we got to watch cormorants feasting on catfish in the pond. Here are a few photos and a video.
(Click on the photos for a larger image)
Tampa Bay Sunrise
Cindy and I headed back for North Georgia before sunrise on Friday, Dec 23, so we could be back for Christmas Eve with our daughter’s family. One of the targets for the departure time was a hope that we’d make it to the rest area on the Sunshine Skyway for sunrise. It was worth the early hour. As the sun rose it gleamed off of the tall buildings of Tampa across the bay.
We’re not in Kansas Anymore – Part Three, Playful Porpoises
I saw some news footage of snowstorm-closed roads in Kansas last night. We are *definitely* not in Kansas. Temperature was about 80 degrees, birds singing, and flowers blooming.
If the “Playful Porpoises” is what brought you here, read on.
We’re Not in Kansas Anymore – Part one
Well, we’ve never been to Kansas, but we’re not in north Georgia, where we live, either. That’s pretty clear from this photo from yesterday morning.

Willet eating a coquina