Tag Archives: False Garlic

The Pocket Wildflower Status Update 03/26/2020 – 39 Species

Finally a day with no rain, so Cindy and I took another drive to The Pocket, where (other than passing on the boardwalk) we could continue to “social distance.” On the boardwalk we, along with most of the others who were there, would pass back-to-back.

While a few species from last week were missing – Trout Lily, Dutchman’s Breeches, and Hepatica were gone – there were a number added this week – White Baneberry (Doll’s Eyes), Woodland Stonecrop, and (most exciting one for me) Lanceleaf Trillium were the standouts of the new species, even thought the Bent White Trillium probably dominated the bloom.

White Trillium, Nodding Wakerobin, Bent White Trillium, Bent Trillium, Drooping Trillium, Declined Trillium - Trillium flexipes

Bent White Trillium – Trillium flexipes

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The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain Status Update 4/9/2015 – Still looking great!

While some of the early bloomers are gone – no more Dutchman’s Breeches, for example – this is STILL a great time for a visit to The Pocket. My growing wildflower checklist for The Pocket is up to 59 species now, and 41 of them are blooming now, even though a few of those are almost gone. If you want to see Bluebells, better hurry; they are declining fast. The Dutchman’s Breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) are gone, and I only saw one small patch of Carolina Spring Beauty (Claytonia caroliniana). All three Trillium species are still in full glory, but probably the dominant species blooming right now are Wild Blue Phlox (Phlox divaricata), and Purple Phacelia (Phacelia bipinnatifida), which you’ll see all along the Pocket Road on your way in to the parking area.

Eastern Columbine and Purple Phacelia

Eastern Columbine and Purple Phacelia


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