White Trillium, aka Nodding Wakerobin and Nodding Trillium, has been added to the USWildflowers.com database. Scientific name is Trillium flexipes, so named because the blossom nods over on its pedicel.
Category Archives: USWildflowers News
Forkleaf Toothwort (Cardamine dissecta) added to USWildflowers Database
Native plant Forkleaf Toothwort added to USWildflowers Database. Cardamine dissecta – http://uswildflowers.com/detail.php?SName=Cardamine%20dissecta
Cutleaf Toothwort (Cardamine concatenata) added to USWildflowers Database
Native plant Cutleaf Toothwort added to USWildflowers Database. Cardamine concatenata– http://uswildflowers.com/detail.php?SName=Cardamine%20concatenata
Wildflower Identification References for The Pocket
There is now a page on USWildflowers.com dedicated to The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain, including the Shirley Miller Wildflower Trail. This page has information about this wonderful area owned and managed by the State of Georgia, and also includes several wildflower identification sheets which you can print and take with you on your visit to The Pocket to help identify the flowers you see.
Update 02/07/2010: ID Guide for March 11 – March 20 has been added to the page.
Northern Dewberry (Rubus flagellaris) added to USWildflowers Database
Native plant Northern Dewberry added to USWildflowers Database. Rubus flagellaris – http://uswildflowers.com/detail.php?SName=Rubus%20flagellaris
Bursting-heart (Euonymus americanus) added to USWildflowers Database
Native plant Bursting-heart added to USWildflowers Database. Euonymus americanus – http://uswildflowers.com/detail.php?SName=Euonymus%20americanus
The common name “Bursting-heart” comes from the bright red seed capsule which bursts open in the fall of the year.
Great Indian Plantain (Arnoglossum reniforme) added to USWildflowers Database
Native plant Great Indian Plantain added to USWildflowers Database. Arnoglossum reniforme – http://uswildflowers.com/detail.php?SName=Arnoglossum%20reniforme
Smooth Solomon’s Seal Photos and Information Updated
Information with four new photographs about Smooth Solomon’s Seal – Polygonatum biflorum – have been updated. The additional photographs now bring to 300 the number of photographs displaying the 175 species now in the database.
False Solomon Seal Classification Updated to Maianthemum racemosum
False Solomon’s Seal, which has the “official” national common name of Feather False Solomon Seal, was listed in my old wildflower guide, the one I used when I first photographed and identified this plant five years ago, as Smilacina racemosa. I’ve subsequently discovered that classification has changed.
Broad-leaf Waterleaf (Hydrophyllum canadense) added to USWildflowers Database
Native plant Broad-leaf Waterleaf added to USWildflowers Database. Hydrophyllum canadense – http://uswildflowers.com/detail.php?SName=Hydrophyllum%20canadense