#NPOD: Bishop’s Cap #Nativeplants

Bishop’s Cap – Native Plant of the Day 03/13/2025
Photo from March 21, 2009. Location: The Pocket, Walker County, Ga.
More photos / info at the  Mitella diphylla detail page.

Miterwort, Bishop's Cap - Mitella diphylla

Miterwort, Bishop’s Cap – Mitella diphylla

Also NPOD 03/13/2011, 03/13/2012, 03/13/2013, 03/13/2014, 03/13/2015, 03/13/2016, 03/13/2017, 03/13/2018, 03/13/2019, 03/13/2020, 03/13/2021, 03/13/2022, 03/13/2023, 03/13/2024


2 thoughts on “#NPOD: Bishop’s Cap #Nativeplants

  1. Myra Godwin

    Beautiful! FYI – The 61st Annual Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage is being held in April in Gatlinburg, TN and the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. They will have many workshops, hikes, photography opprotunities, etc.

    Sounds like a great weekend-the hubby and I plan to attend this year…so excited! By the way, we were in N. Georgia last April during the event…our plans had to be cancelled because of the hubby’s work, but I did enjoy the mountains near Blue Ridge, Ellijay…beautiful country.

  2. gcw Post author

    Hi, Myra. I’d like to make the Smokies Wildflower Pilgrimage, but work obligations look like they’ll keep me closer to home this April too. I can empathize with your husband.


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