Yellow Trillium – Native Plant of the Day 02/25/2025
Photo from 3/21/2012. Location: Reflection Riding, Hamilton County, TN.
More photos / info at the Trillium luteum detail page.
Also NPOD 01/31/2014, 01/31/2015, 01/31/2016, 02/26/2017, 02/26/2018, 02/25/2019, 02/25/2020, 02/25/2021, 02/25/2022, 02/25/2023, 02/25/2024
Just to let you know I live in Chili N.Y. a suburb of Rochester N.Y. and I just found Trillium Luteum- Yellow Wakerobin. I was hunting morels 2 years ago in an area that was just partially logged and I found two of them. I looked all over and it was only the two. I have never seen this type of trillium in my area. They are still there, I visited the site again this year.
I guess it’s possible that it is Trillium luteum, but also consider that at least one other sessile-flowered Trillium which is known to be in New York is there – Trillium sessile. Thanks for the information.