Halberdleaf Yellow Violet – Native Plant of the Day 02/28/2025
Photo from 03/16/2016. Location: North Chickamauga Pocket Wilderness, Hamilton County, TN
More photos / info at the Viola hastata detail page.
Also NPOD 03/06/2011, 03/06/2012, 03/06/2013, 01/12/2017, 01/06/2018, 02/28/2019, 02/28/2020, 02/28/2021, 02/28/2022, 02/28/2023, 02/28/2024
I found a viola hastata in my wildflower garden last spring. Since at the time I did not know what it was, I kept it because of the unusual arrow shaped leaves.
I eventually found what it was, and was looking forward to seeing it bloom this springtime. But, in the summer my gardens were invaded by Maryland voles. They are large and eat a lot. They ate several of my favorite plants including the viola hastata. I hope the corm or bulb is still in the ground so it will grow this spring.
Does anyone know where you can buy plants or seeds? I have had no luck so far.