#NPOD: White Crownbeard #Nativeplants

White Crownbeard – Native Plant of the Day 09/06/2024
Photo from 9/6/2010.  Location:  Walker County, GA
More photos and information at the Verbesina virginica detail page.

White Crownbeard - Verbesina virginica

White Crownbeard – Verbesina virginica

Also NPOD 09/25/2010, 09/24/2011, 09/25/2012, 09/25/2013, 09/25/2014, 09/25/2015, 09/06/2023

2 thoughts on “#NPOD: White Crownbeard #Nativeplants

  1. Beth Dueck

    Thanks so much for the help in identifying this plant! I spotted white ctownbeard for the first this fall, but had no idea what it was. I could find very little info about it. Has anyone tried yo ” domesticize” it? Make it more manageable for the home garden?


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