#NPOD: Slender Ladies’ Tresses #Nativeplants

Slender Ladies’ Tresses – Native Plant of the Day 09/05/2024
Photo from Sep 2, 2014. Location: Blue Ridge Parkway, Carroll County, VA.
More photos / info at the Spiranthes lacera detail page.

Ladies’ Tresses, Northern Slender Lady's Tresses, Southern Slender Ladies’ Tresses - Spiranthes lacera

Slender Ladies’ Tresses – Spiranthes lacera

Also NPOD 08/15/2015, 09/05/2016, 09/05/2017, 09/05/2018, 09/05/2019, 09/05/2020, 09/05/2021, 09/05/2022, 09/05/2023

2 thoughts on “#NPOD: Slender Ladies’ Tresses #Nativeplants

  1. Claire Crawfore

    Found three spikes in a field in Carroll County, Georgia – Spiranthes lacera var Gracilis – such a wonderful surprise. Thank you for posting your photos.


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