#NPOD: Shadow Witch Orchid #Nativeplants

Shadow Witch Orchid – Native Plant of the Day 09/17/2024
Photo from Sep 17, 2013.  Location: Cedar Glade, Pigeon Mountain East, Walker County, GA
More info/photos at the Ponthieva racemosa detail page.

Shadow Witch Orchid, Hairy Shadow Witch, Racemose Ponthieva - Ponthieva racemosa

Shadow Witch Orchid – Ponthieva racemosa

Also NPOD 09/15/2014, 09/15/2015, 09/15/2016, 09/17/2017, 09/17/2018, 09/17/2019, 09/17/2020, 09/17/2021, 09/17/2022, 09/17/2023

2 thoughts on “#NPOD: Shadow Witch Orchid #Nativeplants

  1. Kathi Mestayer

    I’m pretty sure I’ve found a small patch of shadow witch orchids on the edge of a trail near Colonial Williamsburg. But they are no longer in bloom. Do you have any images of them with their seed pods? I found them in bloom and photographed them last year, but I need to make sure it is the same plants, so I need to see the seed structure.


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