#NPOD: Round-leaved Tick Trefoil #Nativeplants

Round-leaved Tick Trefoil – Native Plant of the Day 09/04/2024
Photo from 9/5/2013.  Location: Cedar Glade, Pigeon Mountain East, Walker County, GA.
More photos / info at the Desmodium rotundifolium detail page.

Round-Leaved Tick Trefoil, Round-Leaved Trailing Tick-Trefoil, Prostrate Ticktrefoil - Desmodium rotundifolium

Round-Leaved Tick Trefoil – Desmodium rotundifolium

Also NPOD 12/10/2013, 09/19/2014, 09/19/2015, 09/04/2016, 09/04/2017, 09/04/2018, 09/04/2019, 09/04/2020, 09/04/2021, 09/04/2022, 09/04/2023

3 thoughts on “#NPOD: Round-leaved Tick Trefoil #Nativeplants

    1. Gerry Post author

      Not being a gardener, I couldn’t say with certainty, but their native range is as far north as New Hampshire and Vermont and westward to Illinois, so it’s quite possible it could grow in Minnesota. They are a plant of dry forests and woodlands, so proper habitat might be an issue for a garden. I’m always reluctant to recommend planting something outside its native area, but this plant doesn’t seem to be particularly weedy.

  1. Larry Glatt

    I recently found some in Montgomery County, Maryland. Interesting that the range of
    this and other plants is so large.


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