#NPOD Wingleaf Primrose-willow #Nativeplants

Wingleaf Primrose-willow – Native Plant of the Day 08/20/2024
Photo from 8/17/2013. Location: Riverwalk, Amnicola Marsh, Hamilton County, TN.
More info / photos at the Ludwigia decurrens detail page.

Wingleaf Primrose-willow, Wingstem Water Primrose, Willow Primrose, Upright Primrose-willow - Ludwigia decurrens

Wingleaf Primrose-willow – Ludwigia decurrens

Also NPOD 09/05/2014, 08/23/2015, 08/23/2016, 08/23/2017, 08/23/2018, 08/20/2019, 08/20/2020, 08/20/2021, 08/20/2022, 08/20/2023

2 thoughts on “#NPOD Wingleaf Primrose-willow #Nativeplants

  1. Sam Lee

    Trying to identify a primrose-Willow growing in sand dunes at Sandy Hook National Park in central NJ. Definitely part of the p-w group of plants – erect/ woody with lance like leaves – characteristic flowers – underside of leaves smooth and a little silvery – sessile – leaves seem to slightly form ridges down main plant stalk. L. decurrens seems a close match but does not seem to be listed as a NJ plant. Thoughts?

    1. Gerry Post author

      Without taking a look at the keys/descriptions for Ludwigia, I wouldn’t discount the possibility of an occurrence of L. decurrens in NJ, since it is listed as present in PA and MD.


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