#NPOD: Ontario Lobelia #Nativeplants

Ontario Lobelia – Native Plant of the Day 08/19/2024
Photo from 8/18/2015. Location: Island in the Lake Huron North Channel, Ontario, Canada.
More photos & info at the Lobelia kalmii detail page.

Ontario Lobelia, Brook Lobelia, Bog Lobelia, Kalm’s Lobelia - Lobelia kalmii

Ontario Lobelia – Lobelia kalmii

Also NPOD 10/12/2015, 08/14/2016, 08/19/2017, 08/19/2018, 08/19/2019, 08/19/2020, 08/19/2021, 08/19/2022, 08/19/2023

1 thought on “#NPOD: Ontario Lobelia #Nativeplants

  1. Samantha Fulton

    I have recently seen this species popping up in our neighborhood in Fort Myers, Florida. I have never seen it growing here before. It is identical to the pictures and my plant identifier app also identified it was Lobelia Kalmii.


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