#NPOD: Common Evening Primrose #Nativeplants

Common Evening Primrose – Native Plant of the Day 08/24/2024
Photo from 8/15/2009. Location: Robertson County, TN.
More info / photos at the Oenothera biennis detail page.

Common Evening Primrose - Oenothera biennis

Common Evening Primrose – Oenothera biennis

Also NPOD 08/14/2010, 08/14/2011, 08/14/2012, 08/14/2013, 08/14/2014, 08/14/2015, 08/24/2022, 08/24/2023

6 thoughts on “#NPOD: Common Evening Primrose #Nativeplants

  1. Carol Nase

    Finally identified the wildflower growing by my front door. I’ve seen it blooming by the side of the road, and it looks like it’s usually about 4′ tall. The one growing by my door, and others growing by my neighbor’s shed are about 10′ tall! Actually blooming by the rain gutter on the roof!

    1. Gerry Post author

      Thanks for the visit, Carol. Most of the Common Evening Primrose I see around are in the 4′ tall range too, although up to 6′ doesn’t seem terribly uncommon. But 10′ tall; I don’t recall ever seeing one that tall!
      – gcw

  2. Eric Hughes

    Wonderful picture – I will have to refer to this blog for the identification of a few wildflowers that I found growing at my local park. I am actually blogging about the park and the plants and birds that I find there. Check it out at http://thenaturetrailblog.wordpress.com
    I have used the US Wildflowers photo gallery to identify many plants, such as Indian Tobacco, among others. I find it to be a very helpful website.

  3. Angie Hernandez

    Now found in AZ too :). They’re beatiful. For almost a year I didn’t see any blooms only growth. But now I know they’re blooming.


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