#NPOD: Wood Lily #Nativeplants

Wood Lily – Native Plant of the Day 06/30/2024
Photo from 06/21/2013. Location: Cloudland Canyon State Park, Dade County, Ga.
More photos / info at the Lilium philadelphicum detail page.

Wood Lily - Lilium philadelphicum

Wood Lily – Lilium philadelphicum

Also NPOD 03/09/2014, 06/30/2015, 06/30/2016, 06/30/2017, 06/30/2018, 06/30/2019, 06/30/2020, 06/30/2021. 06/30/2022, 06/30/2023

2 thoughts on “#NPOD: Wood Lily #Nativeplants

  1. Christopher Whiddon

    I have seen these lilys growing on the Appalachicola National Forest is the Florida Panhandle. They like sandy pine woodlands often along roadside ditches high enough not to get their roots wet in standing water. They are very sporadic not to say common one must really look for them. I’ve always called them pine lily.

    1. Gerry Post author

      Lilium catesbaei, aka Pine Lily (and which I don’t have on USWildflowers.com), is very similar to Lilium philadelphicum (Wood Lily), and is a coastal plains plant, found in the panhandle of Florida. Lilium philadelphicum is a northern plant, reaching further south in the mountains. L. catesbaei has alternate leaves, while Lilium philadelphicum will have whorled leaves.


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