#NPOD: Sticky Purple Geranium #Nativeplants

Sticky Purple Geranium – Native Plant of the Day 06/15/2024
Photo from 06/15/2010. Location: Boise National Forest, Ada County, ID.
More photos / info at the Geranium viscosissimum detail page.

Sticky Purple Geranium - Geranium viscosissimum

Sticky Purple Geranium – Geranium viscosissimum

Also NPOD 01/16/2011, 06/16/2011, 01/16/2012, 06/16/2012, 06/16/2013, 06/16/2014, 06/16/2015, 06/16/2016, 06/16/2017, 06/16/2019, 06/16/2020, 06/15/2021, 06/15/2022, 06/15/2023

4 thoughts on “#NPOD: Sticky Purple Geranium #Nativeplants

  1. Karen

    I absolutely love this information. Thank you.

    Wanting a native garden, i would love to know where I can get bulk seed.

    Karen Schultz

    1. Gerry Post author

      Karen – I’m not a gardener, but I have occasionally purchased native plants from local nature organizations which have annual or semi-annual native plant sales. Another choice is prairiemoon.com, but be sure you check the range maps to ensure that the plants are native to your area. Sometimes you can get “native plant seeds” that include seeds that may be native to the United States, but not necessarily to the area where they are sold. – gcw


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