#NPOD: Small Purple Fringed Orchid #Nativeplants

Small Purple Fringed Orchid – Native Plant of the Day 06/29/2024
Photo from 6/28/2014. Location: Clingman’s Dome, GSMNP, Swain County, NC.
More photos / info at the Platanthera psycodes detail page.

Small Purple Fringed Orchid, Lesser Purple Fringed Orchid, Lesser Purple Fringed Bog-orchid - Platanthera psycodes

Small Purple Fringed Orchid – Platanthera psycodes

Also NPOD 06/24/2016, 06/29/2017, 06/29/2018, 06/29/2019, 06/29/2020, 06/29/2021, 06/29/2022, 06/29/2023

1 thought on “#NPOD: Small Purple Fringed Orchid #Nativeplants

  1. Anni

    These little gems showed up last year on my property in N.E. VT- I’d never seen them before. Now I have cultivated them in my garden and they are to be found in several other north facing sites on my property. I love them, they really make a beautiful show on mid-July. They seem to like moist, rich acid soil with a northern exposure.


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