#NPOD Piper’s Anemone #Nativeplants

Piper’s Anemone – Native Plant of the Day 06/23/2024
Photo from 05/31/2012. Location: Ponderosa State Park, Valley County, ID.
More photos / info at the Anemone piperi detail page.

Piper’s Anemone, Windflower - Anemone piperi

Piper’s Anemone, Windflower – Anemone piperi

Also NPOD 06/25/2012, 06/25/2013, 06/25/2014, 06/25/2015, 06/25/2016, 06/23/2017, 06/23/2018, 06/23/2019, 06/23/2020, 06/23/2021, 06/23/2022, 06/23/2023

3 thoughts on “#NPOD Piper’s Anemone #Nativeplants

    1. Gerry Post author

      It was a first for me too, Mia. There were quite a number of them blooming in the campground at Ponderosa State Park where we stayed.

  1. Frances Conklin

    I photographed one plant of Piper’s anemone on May 31, 2020 in a shady area at 5000 ft elevation above White Bird, Idaho.


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