Dwarf Cinquefoil – Native Plant of the Day 04/11/2018
Photo from 4/9/2011. Location: Walker County, GA.
More photos and info at the Potentilla canadensis detail page.
Also NPOD 10/09/2010, 10/09/2012, 10/09/2013, 03/24/2014, 03/24/2015, 04/10/2016, 04/11/2017
Can you point me in the right direction? I am looking for native plant seeds. I live in KS, and trying to do a native garden so that the school children around us, can see these plants going in a native habitat. If you could help it would be really appreciated. Thank you very much.
The Kansas Native Plant Society has a page on their website with sources for plants and seeds: – http://www.kansasnativeplantsociety.org/plant_seed_sources.php
Best regards,
– gcw