Eight warm days after my last trip by The Pocket I expected more. I thought I’d see Harbinger of Spring, Hepatica, and Toothwort blooming, and possibly a few other early bloomers – maybe some Chickweed and Spring Beauties. Well, I guess as far as expectations are concerned two out of three ain’t bad, as the saying goes. Harbinger of Spring and Hepatica were all that was blooming; very similar to Feb 4 last year, so it looks like we’re nearly 3 weeks behind last year’s early bloom. I did get to spend some quality time with a few Hepatica. Start planning your trip to The Pocket – remember it is now a fee area.
Check out what else I saw:

Trout Lily and Trailing Trillium – Lotsa leaves, but no blooms. Check out the Trout Lilies I saw a few days ago.
As I mentioned in the Feb 16 post, I don’t expect to be able to report on the status of wildflowers at The Pocket as often this year as I have the past few. March 1 through March 9 is being spent in Cincinnati to be near Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. I’m hoping to get down to The Pocket on March 10; I expect that we’ll see a lot of floral action. With the late spring this year, my guess is that things will be “compressed” this year – earlier plants blooming alongside some that we normally see later.