We had an unexpected snow event – we were expecting some flurries, but the northern edge of the line of precipitation was further north than expected. The snow and cold has the birds busy gathering calories, and with a full feeder in our yard it was a popular place. Here are a few photos.

Red-bellied Woodpecker – Melanerpes carolinus – several of these are regular visitors to our feeders most of the year.

White-throated Sparrow – Zonotrichia albicollis is an occasional, but not regular, visitor as well. I don’t recall seeing them since last winter.

The Red-winged Blackbirds – Agelaius phoeniceus show up at our feeders occasionally, and we are delighted when they do.

This Northern Cardinal – Cardinalis cardinalis – is doing what we probably need to do when the roads are as slippery as they are – hunker down!

A rare treat for us is the Yellow-rumped Warbler – Setophaga coronata, such a rare visitor that I didn’t remember it from last February – found it in my photo archive.

Such a rare treat that I needed the Yellow-rumped Warbler to “flash” me to send me in the right direction for identification.
I was really supposed to be involved in some other activities, but the snow and the birds were worth the distraction…