Native Plant of the Day 02/28/2013
Photo from June 15, 2010. Location: Ada County, ID.
Miner’s Lettuce – for more photos / info go to the Claytonia perfoliata detail page.
Native Plant of the Day 02/28/2013
Photo from June 15, 2010. Location: Ada County, ID.
Miner’s Lettuce – for more photos / info go to the Claytonia perfoliata detail page.
It was a beautiful Sunday so my wife and I made a quick trip down to The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain after church to check on the status of the wildflowers. Pretty close to the same plants blooming this time as it was on 02/16, with the primary difference being much more abundant Hepatica, and – the exciting part – a number of Bloodroot just starting to bloom!
Common Snowberry, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (02/23/2013.) Scientific name is Symphoricarpos albus. Photo below was taken on the Kleinschmidt Grade in Adams County, ID on May 28, 2012. Go to the Common Snowberry detail page for more photos and information.
Bloomer’s Daisy, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (02/22/2013.) Scientific name is Erigeron bloomeri. Photo below was taken near Lucky Peak in the Boise Foothills, Ada County, ID, on June 12, 2011. Go to the Bloomer’s Daisy detail page for more photos and information.
Sicklepod, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (02/21/2013.) Scientific name is Senna obtusifolia. It is also known by the common names Sicklepod Senna, Java Bean, Blunt-leaf Senna, Chinese Senna, and Arsenic Weed. Photo below was taken near Pigeon Mountain, Walker County, GA, on August 11, 2012. Go to the Sicklepod detail page for more photos and information.
Spreading Phlox, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (02/18/2013.) Scientific name is Phlox diffusa. Photo below was taken in Custer County, ID, on June 13, 2010. Go to the Spreading Phlox detail page for more photos and information.
Native Plant of the Day 02/18/2012.
Photo from June 7, 2010. Location: Ada County, ID.
Silverleaf Phacelia – for more photos / info go to the Phacelia hastata detail page.
Just under two weeks ago (2/4) I reported that Harbinger of Spring and Hepatica were blooming at The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain, the beginning of an early spring. We made another trip down there today, and things are continuing to develop. This post has the list of what we saw blooming or getting ready to bloom.
Friday was another spring-like day, so when I finished up my part-time job for the week, my wife and I took the opportunity get our cameras down to the Riverwalk in Chattanooga to see what birds we’d see. It was a good day; great company and a lifer for us two beginner birders – a Pie-billed Grebe that we spotted on the pond at Amnicola Marsh.
As always, click on the pictures for a larger version.