Native Plant of the Day 08/19/2012
Photo from June 4, 2009. Location: Walker County, GA
Hedge Bindweed – for more information go to the Calystegia sepium detail page. Note that some subspecies are non-native, and any of them can be invasive.
Also NPOD 08/19/2010, 08/19/2011
I live in Juneau County WI and the past two years now I have been trying to ID this viney flowered plant that keeps returning yearly and winds around my Wintergreen Plants. Its next to the north side of my house in a fairly moist area. Some sun but mostly shade. (Not sure where my neighbors are located-same issue) They pull up fairly easily (lots of vines) and have small white flowers.
Could this be Calystegia sepium? Looks like the picture but I would like to see a closeup of the viney green with a flower.
Thank so much.
There’s a picture of the vine with flowers on the detail page –