Hollow Joe Pye Weed, a native species, has been added to the USWildflowers database (08/20/2010 – species number 250!) Scientific name is Eupatoriadelphus fistulosus although many will know it by Eupatorium fistulosum. Photo below was taken in Walker County, Ga on Aug 17, 2010.
Did they change the name of Eupatorium fistulosus? So many names have been changed, it is hard to keep up!
USDA Plants Database has Eupatorium fistulosum and 2 other Eupatorium species reclassified into Eupatoriadelphus. However, I just checked ITIS, and while they have Eupatoriadelphus listed as an accepted genus, they don’t have any species included, and Eupatorium fistulosum is listed as “accepted.” Once again, it depends on which “authority” you follow. I’ll do a bit more research into the status and may have to change my classification to Eupatorium; I normally follow ITIS when it conflicts with USDA.
While ITIS does not show Eupatorium fistulosum as the accepted name, both Missouri Botanical Gardens and Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center do recognize that as the new name replacing Eupatorium fistulosum. Wildflower Center says “The Joe-Pye Weeds have been assigned to the genus Eupatoriadelphus to separate them from the Bonesets (Eupatorium). Some sources still refer to this species as Eupatorium. The genus Eupatoriadelphus differs from the genus Eupatorium by whorled leaves, while Eupatorium has opposite leaves.” http://www.wildflower.org/plants/result.php?id_plant=eufi2
So I guess I’ll stick with the Eupatoriadelphus classification.