#NPOD: Mayapple #Nativeplants

Mayapple – Native Plant of the Day 04/15/2017
Photo from 04/17/2009. Location: The Pocket at Pigeon Mountain, Walker County, GA.
More photos / info at the Podophyllum peltatum detail page.

Mayapple - Podophyllum peltatum

Mayapple – Podophyllum peltatum

Also NPOD 04/15/2011, 04/15/2012, 04/15/2013, 04/15/2014, 04/15/2015, 04/15/2016


2 thoughts on “#NPOD: Mayapple #Nativeplants

  1. Samantha Clark

    Greetings, I live in just Northern Wisconsin have 20 acres of Oak Savanna with several deep ravines. It has been a very wet spring and have had difficulty walking the woods the past few years. But it has dried up had I vowed to get out and get a look at some of the spring flowers before the heat and mug of WI weather.

    I also wanted to see if there were any morals still around for easy picken’, but didn’t have any luck. I didn’t go too far in but was struck by the most lovely subtle perfume and began to pick and smell some of the obvious flowers I found. Then I saw in these large clumps of green plants one milky white flower hanging from the large leafed stem. Oh my, that was it. What a discovery!

    I have been here for 11 years and have seen those clumps from time to time but never this prolific. The weather conditions this fall and the pollen from the trees is at an all time high, so that must account for the amount of them. I have the most fragrant woods right now. I felt blessed and wanted to find a way to, as my beloved Father used to say “bottle it”.

    I picked some to put in a shallow water bowl and a leaf to look up and so glad I found it, but so little information. So thought I would give them a good write up! Would love to hear from anyone else in WI or any other place. They are so thick and tight together in their clumps, but I can tell the flowers are at their peak, so I’m so happy I picked today.

    Happy nature hunting


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